The first ten years are going to likely feel somewhat 'scripted'. There can only be one High King and one perfect knight. The goal of Pendragon is not to supplant Arthurian legend. In Pendragon each session is one year, meaning that this is a campaign that will take serious investment. The game goes from the end of Uther Pendragon's reign to the end of Arthur's. Sir Lancelot and Sir Palomides were entirely different knights, for example. While all will uphold chivalry, fealty, and the like, there are differences between them.

This may sound like each PC is playing the same knight, but the system accounts for differences in personality with Traits and Passions. All players will be Cyrmic knights of the County of Salisbury in the Kingdom of Logres. As Arthurian legend itself is a somewhat-timeless thing, the game setting (Although years are given) is more a mishmash of medieval things, not just Dark Ages. All that goes with being a knight is included in the game. It is not simply a game of adventure, although adventure is a prominent part in it. Things to know: Pendragon is an RPG system meant to emulate playing knights-errant in Arthurian legend, including managing an estate and producing heirs.