However, we do know they are practically indestructible, and that extremely tough and light materials are far from rare. We don' know exactly what the ingredients of Polymer 2 are because it's a proprietary secret. Many Glock parts are indeed made from highly impact-resistant materials. More About Poly-Vinyls and Other Weapons-Grade Non-Metal Materials It will decode it for you and lead you to the manufacture date. If you bought the gun used, you can take the number on the barrel and type it into the entry field on the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation. Do not enter the serial number. This will be close enough to the date of manufacture to consider it your Glocks birth-date. If you bought your gun new, there will be an envelope with a used test fire casing inside it. To figure this out is fairly straightforward. Another question many people want to know is how old their Glock firearms are. The chamber and the barrel are made of properly hardened steels, which are held in place by a highly durable polymer frame and actuated by hardened metallic, mechanical parts. The question is, will the polymer degrade over long periods of time? Can you give it to your son or daughter and expect it to serve them as well as it served you? The short answer is, all Glocks currently in existence- with the exception of rare manufacturing errors and misuse- are all in good working condition. There is one question about Glocks that is often asked. Not only are these materials extremely tough, they are impervious to corrosion and they are so light that it almost makes steel seem antiquated.

The frame, magazine body, and several other components are made from a high-strength nylon-based polymer invented by Gaston Glock, called Polymer 2. It's as modern as they come and highly customizable.