The ghastly and strange world she wanders mirrors her own fractured mind. This twisted take on Lewis Carroll’s classic story brings Alice back to Wonderland on a quest to free its creatures from the evil that’s taking over.

Though she believes that she is fine, Alice still suffers from hallucinations of Wonderland.

Angus Bumby, a psychiatrist who uses hypnosis to help his child patients forget their memories. Alice, now 19 years old, resides at an orphanage in Victorian London, under the care of Dr. Madness Returns takes place in 1875, a year after Alice’s release. While held at Rutledge Asylum for treatment, Alice was able to conquer her doubts, and eventually was released from the ward. Within events of the first game, Alice Liddell, believing herself responsible for a fire that consumed her home and her family, escapes into a twisted version of Wonderland. It is pity, but HdO Adventure also doesn’t delight us with his Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.Alice Madness Returns Free Download Repacklab To our humble opinion, Walt Disney’s Alice is by no means the best movie adaptation, as for the game one we cannot remember any at all. There are lots of movie and game adaptations of this outstanding book but very few became really worthy. Of course, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is not the first attempt to adapt this classical story. Only the music background is literally funky, fitting to the theme, and the puzzles and rabbit, which makes it very relative. Although the artwork is quite good, much better than yesterday’s hidden object graphics, this game is too weak for today.

Lots of backtracking and plain mini-games are huge gripes and reasons not to like HdO Adventure’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The developer doesn’t even bother himself to rename the game! However, this is fairly interesting on the visual side and the first scenes looks hopefully but then all our cherished hopes flies into pieces when we realize that a lot of items are very small and hard to spot. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland game has no difference at all except for the graphics – gameplay, title, and progression are exactly the same.

HdO Adventure is one of those developers who try to give us anew game adaptation of Carroll’s work, but don’t reach success.